Solar PAnel Cleaning

Maximize Efficiency




Less Dirt. More Power. It’s as simple as that. Dirt can easily build up on your solar panels and block the sun from reaching it to the fullest. More power means more money in your pocket. Your solar panels could look clean from the ground, but even a small layer of dirt can block the power output of your panels. Rain water won’t clean your panels either, and is often the cause of the dirt.

We use reverse osmosis deionized water and scrub brushes designed to safely clean your solar panels. Some have seen up to a 20% increase in power output after cleaning.




As part of our service, we also inspect all aspects of your panels to make sure everything is in proper working order. This includes:

-The integrity of the glass as breakage can occur from birds and other sources

-The framework for warping or damage

-Wires and cables for fraying or damage

-Check roof fixings are intact

-Check and clean debris from leaves and pests




Regular cleaning can protect your solar investment and your warranty. Many solar panel warranties include a clause that you must clean and maintain your solar panels to be eligible. We help you keep that warranty intact and protect the large investment you made to save our planet and and save money with renewable energy.

Bird & Pest Proofing

An additional service we offer is bird and pest proofing. There is a space underneath your solar panels that is a perfect spot for birds, mice, and other pests to make their home. The problem is these pests can chew through cables and damage solar panels as they create nests. We can install for an additional fee a protective barrier that will keep these pests away.